
Leadership Development and Human Performance strategies that bring people, business, neuroscience, and technology together to create high-performance organizations.


What are the leadership qualities of great leaders? It’s simple. Great leaders move people. They inspire people,  ignite the deepest passions, and unleash the absolute best in people. Great leaders mobilize others to want to create extraordinary results in organizations.

And contrary to popular myths, great leaders are not born, they are developed.

Rick Petry is a Certified Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Executive Coach. He is engaged to work with successful high potential individuals, executives, and leaders who want to get even better. These are people who are committed to their success as well as the success of their companies and organizations. They are seen by their peers and others as highly intelligent people. These individuals are also seen as leaders with high personal integrity who are persistent in achieving their goals. Intellectually, they realize that some leadership behaviors associated with their success in the past may not be the behaviors that are needed to achieve success in the future.

Most of us can see behavioral changes that others should make. We can even make suggestions that we believe if acted on, would help others improve. If we are that perceptive of others, why is it so hard for us to see specific changes we, ourselves should make? In fact, as successful business leaders even if we see a change we should make, we often have difficulty in making the change. As we become more successful, it seems even harder to make these changes. And, when things are going well, we see no reason to change.

In our work, we focus on helping successful people achieve a positive, measurable, long-term change in leadership behaviors. 

What is Stakeholder Centered Coaching?

Stakeholder Centered Coaching (SCC) is a practice that is based upon the principles and practices of Marshall Goldsmith, a world authority in helping successful leaders get even better – by achieving positive, lasting change in behavior: for themselves, their people, and their teams. Given the realities of the New Normal, the role of a leader is also growing in complexity making it more difficult to efficiently and effectively dedicate time to developing oneself.

In its simplest form, the SCC practice is about an understanding that we are all successful largely because of ourselves and also in spite of certain aspects of how we behave. A recurring theme is that we are successful because of certain beliefs and in spite of those same beliefs. Consider for a moment, one of the natural beliefs of successful people – I am successful – in other words, they have a high degree of self-confidence.  Now consider how self-confidence can be an aid – it gives you the courage to apply your ability and strengths – while at the same time, it may cause you to have difficulty accepting the validity of feedback inconsistent with your self-image.  A CEO of one Fortune 100 Company (who has had many “ups and downs” on the admiration scale) says this:

“Success can lead to arrogance. When we become arrogant we quit listening. When we quit listening we stop changing. In today’s rapidly moving world, if we quit changing, we will ultimately fail.”

Equipped with this understanding, clients will employ a 7-Step process that offers dramatic results in developing themselves as leaders.  To succeed you will have to follow a disciplined practice. While this practice is simple to understand, it is at the same time difficult to perform.

What are the beliefs and principles that underlie SCC?

Our approach is tailored to modify behaviors associated with poor leadership that take advantage of the positive aspects of successful people’s beliefs and overcomes the negative aspects that can interfere with development. That is exactly what we help our clients do – develop effective and inspiring leaders that others want to follow, who by free will and free choice move together in pursuit of a common vision and shared aspirations to help organizations like yours increase their bottom line. 

Are Poorly Trained Leaders Negatively Impacting on Your Business?

Stubborn Manager

The biggest barriers to becoming a servant leader, are an unwillingness to consider a new leadership paradigm and the love of power.

While great leaders inspire others to create extraordinary results, poor leaders have a negative impact on engagement, alignment, productivity, and retention. Poor leaders are also robbing your organization and cost you money.

Indeed, research performed by the Ken Blanchard Companies shows that poor leadership costs your company money when:

  1. Leaders don’t set clear goals with their people,
  2. They don’t align goals to the team, departmental, and organizational objectives,
  3. They don’t check in on progress,
  4. They don’t provide feedback and Feedforward,
  5. They don’t adjust their style based on the needs of the employee and the company,
  6. They don’t listen, and
  7. Without professional training and support, they don’t change.

When you add all of this up, the research shows that, on average, poor leadership costs the average company over $1,000,000 in profit annually.

Four common questions we hear over and over from people around the world sound something like this:

  • How I can I become a better leader?
  • How can I become the kind of leader that people want to follow?
  • How do you get other people, by free will and free choice, to move forward together in pursuit of a common vision?
  • How do you mobilize others to want to engage in the struggle to achieve a set of shared aspirations?

A Critical Part of Effective Leadership in Today’s World is About Developing, Nurturing, and Unleashing Human Potential

Developing and nurturing human potential is a foundational change in the way an organization delivers value to its customers, builds teams, and increases profits.

It marks a radical rethinking of how an organization can use technology, people, neuroscience, and processes to fundamentally create a high-performing business.

Utilizing leadership development along with human performance strategy requires cross-departmental collaboration in pairing business-focused efforts with a rapidly changing corporate landscape.

The biggest challenge we see over and over again that stands in the way of many companies’ ability to grow and sustain their growth even during the most challenging of times, is the mistaken belief that their leadership team is good enough. 

We focus on creating sustainable changes that consistently generate revenue.

Our human performance growth agency has years of experience helping companies like yours implement leadership development strategies that lead to the growth of every part of your organization.

We are an award-winning, highly-certified consulting agency that gets results for our clients. We help organizations grow and create lifelong customers through the bringing together of systems, people, and technology.

But is your leadership team really good enough? 

Do you really want your leaders to merely be “good enough” or are you ready to take your leadership skills along with those of the people who lead the teams in your organization to another level? 

If you want to optimize your leadership skills so that you can grow your business, we can help.

Our science-based and evidence-backed leader development programs produce positive results – Guaranteed.

If you have concerns about whether poorly trained leaders are costing your business money, click the button below to receive your free copy of our report.

Download Seven Ways Poor Managers Are Costing Your Company Money

From Crisis Manager to Visionary Leader, click the button below and take a two-minute quiz to discover YOUR leadership style! 

Click Here to Discover Your Leadership Style!


Jack Canfield, New York Times Best Selling Author and Co-Creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul

Dr. DelRae Messer, CEO of Free Life Global

Michael Port, New York Times Best Selling Author

Theo Tsaousides, Ph.D., Author of Brainblocks: Overcoming the 7 Hidden Barriers to Success

Monica Tarr, Chief Health Advocate at Restore and Renew

You are an amazing leader. Thank you for pouring your intentional leadership into our group. You made a big difference. Grateful 🙏🏻 – Jenn Sanderson Schaefer

I am so blessed to have been your team assistant! You are amazing, and I was so grateful to learn from you my friend!! You lead with grace, humility, yet with staunch strength, and with wisdom. I love you dearly and I am the luckiest person to serve under your leadership. Xoxoxo – Elizabeth Gabor

You are a true leader Rick. Your presence holds a space of trust, love, safety and so much more. Thank you for being you and sharing it with all. I am grateful to call you my friend. – Lorna Granger

I believe in you! I trust you! You are an exceptional leader!Gina Guzzi Brown 

I love you and your leadership, Rick Petry! – Philip J. Daunt, Esq. 

It was such a pleasure to be in the room with you and to see how you have mastered this!!! Truly an honor! Thank you! – Claudia Fernandez-Niedzielski

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