Stop Living a Mediocre Life and Start Living the Life of Your Dreams by Taking 100% Responsibility for Your Life and the Outcomes You Create

The most fundamental and critical step you must take in order to live the life of your dreams is taking 100% responsibility for your life and all of your outcomes.

That means first becoming mindful of your power to take complete control of your life. The moment you decide to take compete control of your life, nothing and no one can ever take that power away from you and you instantly become the CEO of your life. To truly take complete control of your life, you must not only become mindful, but you may no longer live your life unconscious or unaware. No more blaming, complaining or justifying, and no more making excuses or just sitting around waiting, hoping and praying that somehow some magical way all of your dreams will come true.

When you are not mindful of the incredible power you gain from taking complete responsibility for your life, you can easily fall into the trap of playing the powerless victim who thinks life happens to him or her. Rather than play this role, why not transform yourself from a victim to a king or a queen by just consciously deciding to play the powerful conqueror? Take control. Acknowledge the actual situations, goals and aspirations that exist within the framework of your life. Look at things as they are, but no worse than they are and then chart a course to move from where you are now to where you want to go, no matter what is happening around you. Decide to become a person who no longer lives based on the memories of who you were, what you did and what you had in the past. Instead, live through the phenomenal power of your imagination and into the person you can become in the future. Own your life, your circumstances and your ability to do anything you set your heart and mind to. Seek solutions and makes something special happen in your life.

Being accountable for making your dreams become your reality is not just a mindset, it’s also a skill set that anyone can learn and implement. It starts with making a decision that no matter what – good or bad – you are 100 % responsible. Next, acknowledge and take ownership of your power to actually be completely responsible and empowered to make all of your dreams come true.

Once you own the power, you become empowered to take all of the actions – and risks – to reach your goals and achieve your outcomes. You also place yourself in a position to get crystal clear about exactly what you want out of and in your life. To move the needle in that regard, start by asking yourself these questions:

“Am I aware or unconscious regarding who I am and who I want to become, what I want to do and what I want to have?”

“Do I blame others and complain?”

“Do I make excuses for myself”

“Do I just sit around and wait hoping that somehow my life will get better?”

If you answer yes to any of these questions, you are playing the part of the victim and the time to stop playing that part is RIGHT NOW.

I encourage you ask yourself the following questions to measure where you are in terms of taking 100% responsibility. Consider the following questions:

Are you being honest with yourself in terms of your view of reality?

Do you take complete ownership of your life and your various outcomes ranging from your family and career to your health and finances?

Do you seek solutions or give way your power to others?

Are you the kind of person that makes things happen no matter what obstacles and challenges you may encounter along the way?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are on your way to living the life of your dreams. If you answered yes to all of these questions, you are taking 100% responsibility for your life. Keep up the good work!

Wherever your find yourself now, I strongly encourage you to take action today to move yourself away from the part of the victim and to move yourself one step closer to living the live of your dreams.

If you would like some support as you move forward toward living the life of your dreams, I would love to have a conversation with you about how I might be able to inspire and support you. If you are interested in creating more wealth and freedom in your life and you would like to experience a life changing conversation with me, just click here and schedule a time for us to connect. Until we connect, I'll be looking forward to serving you more powerfully than anyone on the planet has ever served you before.