
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. - Mark Twain I have been on an incredible journey throughout the course of my life. There have been great days and amazing accomplishments right along with rough days and incredible failures. Through it all, I have never quit and I will not quit even though there were certainly times when I didn’t clearly understand why I was being pulled forward by a calling much bigger than myself. Now I know. I have discovered something more precious than gold... I have discovered my purpose for being born. My purpose for being born on this planet at this time is to help build a world in which the vast majority of people across the globe wake up every day inspired to step into their greatness, feel safe, supported and cared about when they are at their jobs, and return home to their families and friends at the end of each day feeling fulfilled by the lives they’ve touch and the work they do. I hereby publicly declare that I shall dedicate the rest of my life to fulfilling my purpose. Enough about me. Now, I have a few questions for you... Have you discovered your purpose? Do you wake up every day inspired to step into your greatness? Do you feel safe, supported, and cared about when you are at your job? Do you return home to your families and friends at the end of each day feeling fulfilled by the lives you’ve touched and the work you do? If your answers to all of these questions are yes, then I salute you as a person who is most certainly living life to the fullest! On the other hand, if your answers to all of these questions are anything other than yes, then I invite you to join me on an incredible journey of transformation. Transforming no’s to yes’s and dreams into realities. Since 1998, I have championed the transformation of people’s lives as a consultant, coach, counselor, and trial attorney. In 2012, I met one of my mentors Jack Canfield and launched Ultimate Success Coach as a way to support people and help them take 100% Responsibility for the outcomes they create in their lives, overcome their fears and convert their dreams into realities. Two years later, in 2014, I launched Preeminence Consulting and added executive coaching, consulting and speaking as ways to help business owners and organizational leaders intentionally create cultures within their organizations that focus on supporting and developing the talents and gifts in their people through communication, trust, celebration, respect, continuous improvement, and responsible freedom. Last year, in 2018, I partnered with the Barrett Values Centre and became a Cultural Transformation Tools Certified Consultant. So we now have a new way of measuring values and culture. What you can measure, you can manage. At Preeminence Consulting, we measure our success by the way we train leaders to touch the lives of the people they have the profound privilege of leading and serving. Through my presentations, seminars, workshops, videos, writings, and the newly launched Full Spectrum Human Leadership Program, my mission is to create a global shift in the leadership paradigm from an outdated and horribly failing self-centered command and control style of leadership to a values-driven people-in-harmony with profits leadership paradigm - what we refer to as Full Spectrum Human Leadership. It is our vision that this new leadership paradigm will become a reality in organizations around the world. By sharing my experiences, insights, stories, advice and more, I intend to spread my message about the power of this new kind of 21st Century leadership style around the world. I believe businesses and organizations can become the most positive influence on the planet for our people and societies by providing caring, empowering, and fulfilling work environments for the people placed in their care. I am on a mission to make our world a better place, one person, one leader, one business, and one organization at a time. You can help me make this vision a reality by sharing this message with your family, friends, and colleagues. Please join me on this amazing, inspiring, and transformational journey!

Choose Abundance Over Scarcity


Do you have the mistaken belief that the world is a place of scarcity?  If so, think about this proof that our world is full of abundance just waiting for all to enjoy it. Whether you believe our world is a place of scarcity or abundance good or evil is all a matter of the perspective you choose.  Albert Einstein believed, “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”  The reason this decision is critically important is because it forms the basis of the way we view the world and shapes [...]

Choose Abundance Over Scarcity2014-08-05T06:21:18+00:00

The Power of Creative Visualization


Put the Power of Creative Visualization to Work For You The hit movie “The Secret” focused on how you can use the Law of Attraction to attract abundance into your life. That movie also caused quite a stir with some people forming the misconstrued belief that all they needed to do to live the life of their dreams was just think positive. It would be great if that was all there was to it, but as we all know it’s not nearly that simple. Creating the life of your dreams takes action – massive action – which includes getting clear about [...]

The Power of Creative Visualization2014-07-29T06:21:11+00:00

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