Take a Journey Through the Levels of Learning to Increase Your Trust and Confidence 


Portrait Of A Confident Businesswoman Take a Journey Through the Levels of Learning to Increase Your Trust and Confidence Healthy personal relationships and workplace cultures are built on a foundation of trust. When you have a workplace culture and personal relationships rooted in trust, people and organizations see improved communication, greater creativity, and innovation, along with increased revenue.  They also enjoy more fulfilling personal and professional relationships. When trust is broken, however, personal relationships and work environments become toxic. People who were once close friends, no longer talk to each other. Employees become stressed out and work in silos. [...]

Take a Journey Through the Levels of Learning to Increase Your Trust and Confidence 2019-07-31T01:52:41+00:00

150 Quotes To Inspire The Entrepreneur In You


150 Quotes To Inspire The Entrepreneur In You It all begins with an idea! Being an entrepreneur is one of the most rewarding endeavors one can undertake.  It can also be one of the most challenging.  When you run into challenges, its easy to fall into the trap of internalizing the challenge and start thinking to yourself things like: I'm not good enough, I'm not smart enough, I'm not tough enough or I'm not whatever enough. At 99% of the time, these are just made up conclusions, but they can seem real.  This is especially true if you [...]

150 Quotes To Inspire The Entrepreneur In You2019-01-23T13:02:59+00:00

Where Did My New Years’ Resolution Go? 9 Strategies To Rescue Those Resolutions!


Resolve comes easily on December 31st. By March of the new year, the resolutions made are in disarray, compromised, abandoned. And the resolute determination to make this year, finally, the year you stick to ‘em, forgotten altogether. This is not about guilt over this abandonment. Instead, it is about the real reasons resolutions and the determination to achieve them are lost, year after year after year, and how to change – yet this year – and get on track to systematically set and achieve new goals. Big Idea #1: you can’t achieve new goals or make desired changes without allocating time [...]

Where Did My New Years’ Resolution Go? 9 Strategies To Rescue Those Resolutions!2019-07-25T13:22:09+00:00

Good Thoughts Bear Good Fruit


Good Thoughts Bear Good Fruit "Every thought-seed sown or allowed to fall into the mind, and to take root there, produces its own, blossoming sooner or later into act, and bearing its own fruitage of opportunity and circumstance. Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bad fruit." - As A Man Thinketh My friend, Mark Shearon, once posed a very enlightening question to a telephone audience, "Are you thinking about what you're thinking about?" Read that sentence again and read it carefully. It's not a play on words. Most people give very little thought to what occupies their thinking and even fewer people [...]

Good Thoughts Bear Good Fruit2019-01-24T08:16:56+00:00

EP025: Use Your LinkedIn Profile to Grow Your Business with Paul McManus


[iframe style="border:none" src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4206006/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/standard" height="100" width="480" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]Paul McManus is the co-founder of More Clients | More Fun, and helps coaches and consultants get more clients through LinkedIn. Today, Paul teaches us how powerful LinkedIn really is and that it is more than just an online resume website. LinkedIn can be used as a powerful marketing tool to attract the right clients and with over 400 million people using the service you literally have access to your target market at the touch of a button.   Key Takeaways: [3:00] How did Paul get started? [5:30] LinkedIn is often [...]

EP025: Use Your LinkedIn Profile to Grow Your Business with Paul McManus2016-03-08T18:26:32+00:00

EP024: Pitching Your Story to the Media with Suzette Mariel


[iframe style="border:none" src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4187323/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/standard" height="100" width="480" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]Suzette Mariel is an award-winning media presence expert and has worked with an impressive amount of actors, athletes, and extraordinary people in her television and video career. She helps professionals get ready for the media and teaches them the do's and don'ts of appearing on TV. Listen to Suzette's amazing story, and dive in to get some great tips on how to successfully pitch a producer and more.   Key Takeaways: [4:15] How does someone get on TV? [6:05] There's really 8 key ways to pitch to a producer. Suzette presents [...]

EP024: Pitching Your Story to the Media with Suzette Mariel2016-03-01T22:01:08+00:00

EP023: Be the Victim or the Victor, The Choice is Yours with Rob Dial


[iframe style="border:none" src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4152513/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/standard" height="100" width="480" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]Rob Dial is the co-host of the MWF Motivation podcast with Dean DeVeries. Rob Dial runs a motivational podcast every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday that lasts between 10-20 minutes. His goal is to help others realize their true potential and give them a jolt of motivation to succeed during their daily commute. Listen to Rob's story and timeless advice in today's show.   Key Takeaways: [2:10] Who is Rob Dial? [4:20] How can people wake up and realize their true potential? [8:35] Successful people meditate early in the morning. [10:00] Do [...]

EP023: Be the Victim or the Victor, The Choice is Yours with Rob Dial2016-02-16T18:19:54+00:00

EP022: Lisa Van Ahn on Overcoming Childhood Abuse and the Victim Mentality


[iframe style="border:none" src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4144124/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/standard" height="100" width="480" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]After being molested for several years, Lisa Van Ahn tried to commit suicide when she was a child. Now at 40 years old, she inspires and makes a positive difference in the world. Lisa is an accomplished athlete and kickboxing fighter who has fought on an international level. Listen shares with us how she overcame her difficult childhood struggles and how she empowers women to follow their dreams today.   Key Takeaways: [3:40] Who is Lisa? [6:40] When you've been victimized by others, how do you overcome that? [8:20] You still [...]

EP022: Lisa Van Ahn on Overcoming Childhood Abuse and the Victim Mentality2016-02-12T14:52:33+00:00

EP021: Open Yourself Up to Love with Forrest Willett


[iframe style="border:none" src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4104184/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/standard" height="100" width="480" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]Forrest Willett was in a traumatic car accident in 2002, which left him with a catastrophic brain injury. His inability to work and perform basic tasks threw him into a bout of depression, but when he saw Jack Canfield on TV, he knew his life had more meaning. Fast forward to today, Forrest is the author of the #1 bestseller Baseballs Don't Bounce, a speaker, and a coach. He shares a powerful message to anyone who is struggling to love themselves day after day.   Key Takeaways: [3:45] Who is Forrest? [...]

EP021: Open Yourself Up to Love with Forrest Willett2016-01-26T15:11:40+00:00

EP020: How to Successfully Grow Your Business with Keith Miller


[iframe style="border:none" src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4088657/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/standard" height="100" width="480" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] Keith Miller is the co-owner with his wife, at Pampered Pooch Playground – a daycare for dogs. He has been in business for almost eight years, having moved from the radio industry into the doggie daycare business. Today, Keith shares his insight on some key points that new owners should be aware of to make their business a success. For example, you have to surround yourself with people you trust in order to really succeed, because the DIY method only works up to a certain point.   Key Takeaways: [2:40] [...]

EP020: How to Successfully Grow Your Business with Keith Miller2016-01-19T16:53:53+00:00

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