What Is Conversational Intelligence?


What Is Conversational Intelligence? Conversational Intelligence® is a revolutionary body of work leveraging the power of neuroscience to create profound and lasting transformation for individuals, teams and entire organizational cultures. Combining science and intuition, Conversational Intelligence (C-IQ) aspires to shift our world from I-Centric to WE-Centric and architect Conversational Transformation on a neuro-chemical level. Whether applied to individual leaders and executives, teams or entire organizations, C-IQ is a force for positive transformation such as establishing high levels of trust, triggering growth and innovation, overcoming limiting conversational patterns or gracefully navigating difficult conversations. As a coach Certified in Conversational Intelligence® I have [...]

What Is Conversational Intelligence?2019-08-17T12:06:34+00:00

Take a Journey Through the Levels of Learning to Increase Your Trust and Confidence 


Portrait Of A Confident Businesswoman Take a Journey Through the Levels of Learning to Increase Your Trust and Confidence Healthy personal relationships and workplace cultures are built on a foundation of trust. When you have a workplace culture and personal relationships rooted in trust, people and organizations see improved communication, greater creativity, and innovation, along with increased revenue.  They also enjoy more fulfilling personal and professional relationships. When trust is broken, however, personal relationships and work environments become toxic. People who were once close friends, no longer talk to each other. Employees become stressed out and work in silos. [...]

Take a Journey Through the Levels of Learning to Increase Your Trust and Confidence 2019-07-31T01:52:41+00:00

How to End Procrastination Once and For All


To paraphrase English poet and satirist Alexander Pope, to procrastinate is human. It's something everyone struggles with from time to time: you know you have work that needs to be done, but instead you find yourself whiling away the time checking your email, watching television or idly surfing the web. Before you even realize it, you've gone hours without making any meaningful progress toward your goal. Procrastination is a troubling habit that can destroy your productivity and leave you feeling deflated at the end of the day, but the good news is that it's just that: a habit. And, like other [...]

How to End Procrastination Once and For All2016-09-20T02:17:51+00:00

Create More Wealth and Freedom in Your Life Using The Power of Incantations and Neuroplasticity


For many people, creating more wealth and freedom in their lives may be two the most liberating and fulfilling goals they achieve. Having more wealth can mean more access, more comfort and more peace of mind. More freedom can mean being able to do what you truly want to do and having more time to do it so you can do whatever you want whenever you want to do it. On the other hand, a lack of wealth and freedom can certainly be one of those things that keeps us up at night either worrying about how we are going to [...]

Create More Wealth and Freedom in Your Life Using The Power of Incantations and Neuroplasticity2016-08-02T22:45:27+00:00




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