Visualization is most effective when coupled with deep, controlled breathing to help you get into the proper mental state.
One of the best ways to learn how to breathe properly is to learn and practice the Complete Breath. Its name indicates that you are using all of the lungs and breathing apparatus to their natural maximum extent. This is a fundamental breathing exercise that you should practice every day.
Performing the Complete Breath on a regular basis is a very effective technique and an important part of any fitness or health program. Adding targeted visualization and imagery is even more powerful.
Following is a very powerful breathing and visualization technique that I practice and recommend. It helps develop robust health and improves vital capacity. It can also be used to help reduce stress and relieve chronic pain. It helps maximize your energy levels and can be used as a quick “pick me up” when you feel yourself starting to fade.
Perform this exercise while standing with feet shoulder width apart. This exercise is designed to enhance your breathing and expand your chi, or internal power.
Step 1: Start with hands hanging at your sides. Inhale deeply for a count of 4. As you inhale, move your arms out to the sides, palms up. Continue moving arms over your head until your fingers almost touch. Stretch your arms out wide, then up very high so that you really expand the chest and lengthen the spine. When your hands are directly above your head, your palms are should be facing down.
Step 2: Exhale to a count of 6. As you exhale, push palms straight down in front of you. Imagine you are helping to push the air out of your lungs until they are completely emptied. Push your palms down to the level of your abdomen. Then move hands to your sides. Repeat.
Step 3: Once you have the basic breathing and movement pattern down, add this visualization:
With the Inhalation: Imagine clean, white, healing, purifying air entering first your lungs, then your entire body. The air is sparkling with energy. With every breath, you pull more of that energy into you.
With the Exhalation: Imagine a gray, black cloud of negative energy, toxins and impurities being expelled from your body.
As you continue breathing, imagine your lungs are becoming cleaner and clearer as you take in clear air and sparkling energy and force out impurities, toxins, and negative energy.
Your lungs are now filled with healing blue air–like the relaxing beautiful blue of a clear sky on a perfect day.
After you have your lungs feeling great, extend the healing blue color throughout your body. If you have a spot that is particularly tight or painful, breathe the healing energy into that spot.
This is a great exercise to do on a daily basis. You can use it whenever you need an energy boost or need to de-stress.
Karen Van Ness is a certified fitness trainer (CFT) with many years of experience in the areas of fitness, wellness, and personal development. She has been active in athletics for most of her life and a devotee of the martial arts since childhood. Over the years, Karen has taught martial arts and energy principles to people of all ages. She has transformed her knowledge and experience into a unique and exciting approach to health, fitness and personal power, leveraging time-tested principles and techniques from the martial arts, breathing and energy disciplines, along with modern, proven training and nutrition strategies. Her approach is designed to help busy people achieve optimal health, energy and vitality, as well as enjoy balance and peace of mind. Sign up for Karen’s free e-newsletter, Dynamic Energy, Health & Personal Power at