Come to Immerse Yourself In Success… and Experience First-Hand What It Feels Like To Finally Take 100% Responsibility For The Results Your Produce in Your Life and Make Rapid and Sustainable Changes at Rick Petry’s Live Events

It is a universal truth that all Successful People share one common characteristic.  A hunger for more. More knowledge, more wisdom, more freedom and more fun. Like you, they have a burning desire for personal development that compiles them to seek out the most effective and cutting-edge resources, the most life-changing motivational seminars, performance improving leadership seminars, professional development seminars, and coaches to help them maintain and improve their performance excellence.

Hello, I’m Rick Petry, the founder of Ultimate Success Coach and Preeminence Consulting and the Author of Breaking Free Now, a Simple 3-Step Process to Help You Stop Feeling Like a Fraud. If you are watching this video, that means you have arrived in the part of my business that produces the fastest results for people in the most enjoyable way. That’s our live events.

If you want to create changes in your life and you want to create those changes right now, you have to know that coaching is the way to get things done. If you’ve been trying to change your thoughts, change the way you feel, or change your behavior and get better results in your life, but for whatever reason you haven’t been able to create those results on your own, the absolute best way to breakthrough whatever has been holding back is to start working with someone who has the expertise, who’s produced the result you want again and again, and who has a proven track record track record of helping other people achieve results and then you get them to serve you as your coach.

The challenge, of course, is getting somebody who really is good at helping people produce sustainable positive results to work with you one-on-one can be tough. First, finding a good coach can be difficult, and even if you find a great coach, it can be very expensive to have them work with you 1;1. I know this from my own experiences.

The best coaches are in high demand and they are expensive to hire. I’ve paid world-class coaches five figures several times to work with me. Don’t get me wrong, because I am not bragging and I’m certainly not complaining. The coaches I have paid five figures to work with me were worth every penny, and even more. Why? Because they helped me produce incredible results. When I worked with Michal and Amy Port, the co-founders of Heroic Public Speaking, they helped me take my speaking game from a scared amateur to a main stage world-class level. Likewise, when I work with Jack Canfield, the Guinness Book World Record holder for having the most books on the New York Times Best Seller List at the same time, in his flagship Train The Trainer program, Jack helped me take my coaching, consulting and training game to a world-class level. I paid each of these coaches five figures to train me and together we produced incredible and measurable results,

Now, I’m honored that I have earned the privilege of having the title “Coach” and getting paid very well to coach a select group of individuals and help them create incredible results too.

If you are ready to make a commitment to change something in your life, whether it be your relationships, your health, your level of confidence or self-esteem, your mindset, or the results you create in your career or business. I can help you. I know this beyond a shadow of a doubt because I have helped 100’s of people just like you produce positive results.

I have courses and programs available that you can enroll in where there are opportunities for us to work together 1:1. When you enroll in one of the coaching programs I’ll be able to coach you with the best of what I’ve learned using a process that is guaranteed to produce results. I’ve continually refined this process for literally more than two decades and it works. My courses and programs flat out help people create the results they want in their lives and businesses.

If you are interested in working 1:1 with me, somewhere on this page or website there is a button you can click to schedule a free transformational coaching session with me so you can experience first hand, the results we can create together. If you are seriously ready to make a change, I can help you. I am 100% certain of that.

As I mentioned a minute ago, however, I know 1:1 coaching is not for everyone, and because we know this, we created our live events. Our live events are also based on the idea of total immersion coaching.

I asked myself three big questions when I was creating our live events:

First, how can we help people get the most explosive growth and create the most impactful changes in your body, in your emotions, your finances, your relationships and your career?

Second, how can we help people create sustainable results like the ones I just talked about in the shortest period of time?
Third, how do we make it fun so that people can’t believe how enjoyable making changes and growing can be?

I have been to a ton of seminars in my life. Everything from half-day continuing legal education courses to weekend real estate investing courses and from personal and professional development workshops to weeklong business growth programs. Personally, I have an unquenchable appetite for learning and the quickly applying what I learn to my life and my business.

But let’s be honest, I know some people, maybe even you, have a negative perception of live events, at least some live events.

One reason is because for some people, if you say, “I’m going to go to a seminar’ they roll their eyes, and then look at you like you’ve lost your mind. Indeed, I can’t tell you how many people I’ve invited to join my at live events over the years, and they are like, “oh, I’m not going to sit there all day and listen to some boring or rah-rah dude talk.”

I remember one particular friend who told me “Rick, I can’t sit anywhere for more than two hours!” But you know what, I brought my buddy to one live event with me and the next thing you know this person is sitting in the event, and their eyes are popping out of their head with excitement and the guy is telling me: “Rick, man this is the most incredible thing I’ve ever experienced!

I mean, if you are here, you have to be curious. If you’re watching this right now, you’ve probably have heard about or know somebody who has been to one of our events and you’ve seen what’s happened in their life. They shared with you the results they’ve created or you’ve seen it for yourself.

The reason live events work to help people produce fast results is that its total immersion. The reason people love our live events so much is that they help them get fast results. It works, and they love the process.

I mean, you gotta be curious and wondering how could we have an event wherein as little as one day or a weekend, you could get people to the point where they said it was the greatest experience of my life… and many of them were dragged there by somebody else who had already been saying: “come on, trust me. You just gotta try it.”

Some people didn’t want to be there at all, but what happens when you are there is you go through a process that helps you to discover what controls the way you think, the way you feel, and what you do in your life.

Every thought, every feeling, and every emotion you experience in this lifetime is shaped by your beliefs and values. The problem for most people is although we think the values and beliefs we have are our own, the reality is they are not. Instead, most people live their lives based upon values and beliefs they have been conditioned to accept.

Maybe you were conditioned to believe certain things by your parents or your family. It could be that a teacher or a coach conditioned you with certain values. Perhaps the media has impacted your belief system. It could be a combination of all of these. Whatever the source of your conditioning is, the research is clear that for most people 73% of the values and beliefs you are conditioned with are either wrong, disempowering or otherwise get in the way of you achieving your most important goals.

But here’s the deal, all of your life is controlled by the decisions you make based on those conditioned values and beliefs. You make decisions about what to believe and decisions about what to do. You also made decisions about yourself and what you think you can and can’t do… and most of us are making those decisions on automatic pilot. Letting someone else or the world around us trigger US instead of taking back control of our lives. And when you do that, get what results you create… the results someone else wants you to create instead of the results you want to create.

But stop for a minute and imagine what your life could be like if you decided to take 100% responsibility for the values and beliefs you have and the results you create.

Just think of it this way, anything you want to change, whether you want to change your body, you want to change your career, your business, your relationship, or anything else you want to do, what you must do to achieve those results requires the right strategy.

Let’s say you want to lose weight and keep it off. You obviously can’t just throw your pendulum to one side or the other and go on some silly diet. You’ve got to know the things that are giving you lasting results. Maybe you want to stop just dreaming about starting a new business and actually take massive action to launch that business and get it profitable as quickly as possible, that also requires specific knowledge, strategies and tools to produce positive results.

So we teach people that information, those strategies and those tools.

But sometimes even after people know what to do, they still don’t do it if left on their own.

We are exceptional when it comes to helping people take action and follow through. Why are we able to get people to follow through? Because eighty percent of success in anything, my friends, is psychology and 20 percent is the mechanics. What that means is there’s how to do stuff and get things done. How to do it is not that complex. And if you really learn from somebody who knows those refined distinctions, they can show you those tipping points, those things you can do in the least amount of time you get the biggest result.

That’s what I spent over 20 years studying.

You know, like what transforms couples to go from wanting to kill each other to passionately want to make love together when they haven’t done that for weeks, months or sometimes even years. There are triggers that absolutely work … or what makes somebody go from every single day overeating to one day deciding that’s it… no more, and they make that shift to where they do the things they’ve been talking about doing for years.

I’ve invested over two decades of my life studying people from around the world and learning how our brains work to help us produce positive or negative results. So now at this point in my life, I’ve realized there are certain patterns in human behavior that make people crazy, make them frustrated, make them overwhelmed, make them depressed, and make them give up.

At the same time, there are other patterns that people have that absolutely light them up, get them excited, make feel passionate, get them where all of a sudden they develop a different set of habits, different sorts of triggers where they find themselves following through consistently and doing the things that transform what they dream about into reality.

Knowing what those patterns and those triggers are is really critical. So it’s not enough to know just what to do, you’ve got to also know why you’re going to do it and you’ve got to align it with the way your brain functions.

I know this sounds complex, but let me just tell you how we do this. We do it over the course of multiple days and by totally immersing you with music and energy, and if you’d never wanted to be in anything at all, but you enjoyed a rock concert or you enjoyed a professional sports game, then you’ll love this process as well.

What I mean by that is just imagine most people in this life would never sit for three, three and a half hour movie that someone spent two or $300,000,000 to make. Most people are too impatieint to do that. Our attention span just won’t stay with that. And yet at our events, people not only stay, but they don’t want to leave when the event is over.

When it comes to our live events, you can vote with your feet and your wallet. All of our events have a money back guarantee, so if at any time you feel like you are not getting what you want out of the event, you can get up and say: “this is not for me” and we will promptly refund your money.

But that’s not likely to happen. People from every walk of life, from virtually every culture you can imagine around the world stay until the end of our live events because the process we’re doing not only works, it’s so much fun and so enjoyable and it transforms your ability to meet your own needs.

What does that mean? Well, everyone has different values. Everyone has different goals or dreams, cultural backgrounds, and religious beliefs, but human beings have something in common and we all have the same fundamental needs.

When your needs are met, you are lit up like a Christmas tree. You feel alive. You feel passionate when your needs are not being and then you’re going to feel a level of frustration or anger or fear or uncertainty or stress, or maybe just boredom. That just sucks the life out of a human being.

All of us have two things we really want to master. If you think about it, we have things we want to make better, change or improve. I don’t care who you are. If you’re totally honest, there’s always an area of our life we’d like to make better. You know, if your career is perfect, your body’s out of shape, and you know it. If your body’s great, maybe you feel like you don’t have enough time to spend with your kids. If you spend a ton of time with your kids, perhaps your intimate relationship is not as passionate as you want it to be. If your relationship is really passionate, maybe you’re not taking care of your finances.

It’s the fundamental nature of human beings to focus on certain areas and miss others… and when we do that the neglected areas tend to bite us in the rear end later on. What I do is create a process where you’re able to figure out what it is you really want in each of the years of your life that are most important.

Together, we discover what it is that’s missing, help you discover your blind spots and help you find out where you want to go next. Then we show you a set of strategies to maximize and optimize your next steps, but we don’t stop there…

Next, we switch on the part of you that makes it all move forward, which is your emotion and your psychology. Think about it for a moment. Information without emotion anchored to it is forgotten, but information anchored to emotion is recorded in your brain.

Play along with me for a minute. If I asked you where were you on the day of 9/11, no matter where you are in the world, American or not, most people remember the moment they heard about the attack on the World Trade Center.

What was around them, where they were, what they experienced, and how they felt. If I asked you where were you on 6/11, most people have no clue. If I asked you what you know, anything I ask you about has an emotional intensity attached to it. There’s this vivid understanding tied to the memory, so what we’ll do is take the information to change your life and attach an emotion to it within you that gets you to follow through. That’s what makes it enjoyable and it’s also what makes the process work.

In essence, here’s what we do at all of our events. We do three things. Number one, we get you unplugged from the rest of the world and totally focused, focused on what matters most to you, not someone or something else, and we don’t decide what’s most important for you. You decide what’s most important, what you want to make progress on, what you want to change, what you’re going to transform. Then we put you in a state of total laser focus and when you’re in that state, it feels incredibly powerful because most of us live our life either bouncing around or operating by default based on how others have conditioned us.

I have studied some research recently where they talked about people today who are always pretending they are multi-tasking and never really focused. They’re always doing 12 different things at the same time, but never completely present and focused on any of it.

This so-called “multi-tasking” is having an impact on the way our brains function. In fact, the research describes a long-term study and found that people who are constantly multi-tasking, never focusing, are creating a different structure in their brains and it affects them. It’s called context switching and it slows them down. It makes them less powerful and less productive. Plus, we all know about the power of focus, but when was the last time you got yourself out of the pattern of your daily life and got totally focused on what matters most to you and did an assessment of where you felt strong, alive, passionate? When was the last time when other like-minded people that you can learn from and be immersed with surrounded you? It’s pretty rare, isn’t it?

So when you get totally focused on what you want, that’s when the magical transformations start to occur. There is a simple principle – wherever focus goes, energy flows. So if you spend all your time and focus on your career, your career is doing great or doing better than most people’s right now. If you put all your focus on your kids, your kids are doing great and you have a great relationship with them, but the areas you’re not focusing on are becoming questionable, we are going to help you focus on the areas that matter most. Now, once you’re totally focused and you know what you want, what your goal is, you know where you are and where you want to go. You understand where the gap is… that’s a good place to be because it creates clarity. The second thing you need is the sustainable success. Which begs the question, what does it take to have success last? What does it take to make a change last?

Well, the first thing you need is this focus. We know what you want and why you want it and you’re driven, you’re hungry, you’re committed, and you’ve got all your energy into it and we’ll help you to do that. Second, though, you’ve got to put yourself in this place. When you get the right skills, you need the right strategies. You need a map and how to get from where you are to where you really want to be and you know a lot of people have a lousy map.

The metaphor I use is my memories of the time before Google came along and we used to have something called MapQuest. With MapQuest, you typed in the address where you were going to start and where you wanted to go, then MapQuest came up with a route and you printed out and you followed those directions. Sometimes you made it to where you were going and other times you got lost.

Why? Because the map was outdated. Well, guess what? Today, the map most people are driving their lives by trying to get from where they are to where they want to be financially and in other areas of their lives is totally outdated.

What we know today about the brain and DNA has completely changed the paradigm of learning and what is possible in terms of human performance excellence. The business is done and people are led has also changed and so many people don’t know what to do to take advantage of these changes. There are people doing really well right now and others who are really struggling. The ones who are struggling don’t know what to do to turn around their businesses. They’ve tried so many things that don’t work. They’ve given up on their body or their relationship. They’ve settled for a relationship where you know you love each other, your friends, but there’s no deep love or deep passion, even after you think you’ve found the right person.

You know, people settle for jobs they have. Forty-five percent of our population doesn’t like their work. They don’t like their jobs. It’s not a mission; it’s not a direction for them. These things can change though. When you work somebody who’s a coach who’s done it with thousands of other people to show you how to go from here to there. There are some common pathways. There are some common strategies, but you need a strategy that works and is proven.

If your strategy for losing weight is to go on some crazy diet, you know it’s not going to last and yet that’s what most people do. They have strategies that are not sustainable and oftentimes the strategies you learned or not, they don’t require a radical change. Instead, they just require doing the right thing a little differently. Sometimes people even do the right thing at the wrong time and then they get frustrated.

You know, if you bought a home in 2006, buying a home might be the right thing, but there is a good chance that 2006 was the wrong time to buy the house because the price was inflated, at least in the US. So strategy and timing are everything.

I’ve spent over two decades studying and modeling people that have the most successful changes in their life physically and emotionally… in relationships, in finances and careers. And repeatedly asked: “what do they have in common?” “What do they do, and what works?” I now know the answers to those questions.

It’s proven now… if you know what it is you really want and you give it total focus and then you’ve got strategies that are absolutely proven to work, that is what you need. But like I said earlier, there are people, and I’m sure you know some, that know what they want and why they want it and they even know how to go get it, but they aren’t doing what they know they need to do. That’s because there is a third pillar required to create sustainable success.

A two-legged stool doesn’t stand up very well. To be sturdy, the stool needs to have at least three legs. So the third pillar of sustainable success is you’ve got to eliminate your inner conflicts. You’ve got to kind of unlock and unleash, unlock these conflicts and unleash your true self again. What do we mean by inner-conflicts? We mean those beliefs that you have been conditioned to believe that conflict with or are out of alignment with the goals you have set for yourself. Those inner conflicts cause you to self-sabotage yourself and fall short of your goals. But as odd as it may seem, self-sabotage is not always your fault.

   When you attend our live events, you’re going to discover it’s not that hard for you to change your body or change your relationships or getting the economics that you really deserve or to make any other shift that you want in any area of life.

What I mean is it’s not that difficult to figure out what’s going on in terms of its complexity. The rub comes in because we have these mixed beliefs and emotions. Part of you wants to do what you’ve been conditioned to do and make everybody around you happy. At the same time, another part of you also wants to be true to yourself and that where the conflict exists.

You want to be totally financially successful and free and you don’t want anybody to judge, but that isn’t likely to be the case. Not because you cannot achieve financial freedom. That is a real possibility when you implement great financial strategies, hard work, and discipline. The problem is when you achieve financial freedom, some people may still judge you because they have their own set of challenges within themselves.

Perhaps, you know you want to be in a position where you can go back to school and obtain an advanced degree, but at the same time your fear pulls you back, and so you’ve got this conflict between your desire and your fear.

Inner conflicts make people take three steps forward and five steps backward , two steps forward, and then three steps back. It’s what makes people sabotage themselves.

One of the reasons you’re not getting what you want is there’s inner conflict and that is my specialty, helping you to figure out what that conflict is and helping you be able to shift it very quickly and then create an alignment in you so that every part of you is focused on achieving what you really want.

When you’ve got the right strategy and every part of you wants to move forward, then you will. Indeed, you’ll be pulled towards what you want instead of always feeling like you’re trying to push your way to where you want to get.

You’re going to get exhausted if all you have to rly on is willpower to make lasting change. Willpower alone doesn’t work, and simply pushing your way to success doesn’t last. What you need is a combination of push and pull. Having something attract you and pull you forward is a shift that happens inside of us.

When you attend one of our live events, over a few days a shift will happen inside of you that will make you feel a sense of excitement. You’ll feel passionate and alive. This internal shift will give you the pull you need so that you can make those lasting changes. I’ve proven it for over 20 years, for thousands of people. So live events and their total immersion model are a great way to speed up the results you want.

It is my ability to coach you during live event and then if you want, continue after the event with an individual coach that can follow up with you to make sure you stay on target that makes al of the difference in the world. Plus, we have some cool products that you can listen to when you’re washing your car or going for a workout or driving your car to work each day where you can keep conditioning yourself with empowering beliefs and values because long term sustainable change is all about training yourself and conditioning yourself so that you follow through consistently and have the quality of life that you really desire and deserve.

Does that make sense? Ultimately, if you get those three pillars in place, total clarity regarding what you really want and why you want it, then you put yourself in an environment where you really connect yourself to an emotion that you feel when that goal is achieved. That emotional connection will drive you forward when things get tough. Then add to that the skill sets and strategies that save you decades because someone else has done all of the trial and error to figure things out and they’ve produced positive results.

They’ve lost that weight and they’ve kept it off. Or are they turn around that business or they’ve made the economics happen and they’ve shown you the pathway, the shortcut, and then just making sure all of you is aligned with those things are aligned, you make things happen.

Think about it, the areas that you do really well in when your focused on them, you know what to do and there’s no part of you holding you back. That’s how you can succeed faster and easier. This is the process we use in our events. It’s part of the immersion process. It’s how a lot of fun and it’s an experience I promise you won’t forget as long as you live.

And again, everything we do, every service and product will provide has a total 100% money back guarantee. You can come to half the darn program if you’re thrilled with the program then we will return your money. Our goal is create raving fans, and that’s what I have been doing for over two decades.

We’d like to be able to serve you as your guide and we invite you to become part of our family. If you will give us the opportunity to earn that privilege by coming to an event, you can stop by and say hi. I’d love to meet you personally and support you like you’ve never been supported before on your journey to greatness. Until then, live deliberately, believe in yourself, keep your dreams alive and remember Impossible Is Nothing.

I do not claim to have all of the answers.  I also don’t hold myself out to be perfect.  I am human and I have things to work on improving just like every other human on the planet. I believe the fact that I have things to improve and more knowledge to gain is a blessing because it means I can always continue to grow, learn and improve.

I have invested over 40 years years of my life in education as an adjunct law professor, trainer, consultant, student and teacher.  I believe that possessing knowledge can leading to possessing power, but if all an education leads to is the accumulation of knowledge, it can be a waste of your time and resources.  On the other hand, if your education leads to knowledge and you put that knowledge into action, then you possess the power to change your life, change the world and change the lives of all those whom you have contact with.

Over the course of my life, I have acquired a significant amount of knowledge both inside and outside the classroom.  Although I don’t have all of the answers, what I do have is an awesome success vault  full of outstanding resources, strategies, tools and techniques to help people like you create immediate, measurable and sustainable changes and improvements in the most important areas of your life: your _________, your _________, your _________, your _________, your _________, your _________, and your _________.

If you are sick and tired of feeling stuck, unfulfilled or afraid, I invite you to join me at one of our live events sometime soon.  I lok forward to seeing you at one of our events, and I promise you that my live event will be an experience that you will never forget.

Course Inspired Facilities

We offer a wide range of high quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities.

We offer a range of training packages in a range of subject areas and can offer blended learning opportunities to best meet your needs. If sitting in a room with a trainer and having the opportunity for discussion with other learners sounds good to you then we can offer this.


“There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour”

EMERY BURNS, Science Student

“There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour”

LEE MILLER, Biology Student

“There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour”

LEE MILLER, Physics Student

“There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour”

EMERY BURNS, Design Student

Student Inspired Events

We offer a wide range of high quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities.

If you prefer to study in your own time and at your own speed then one of our e-learning packages may be right up your street. There is a third option, which is you like the sound of both but perhaps can’t attend all training sessions, this is when blended learning comes into its own.

Join Over 1,000 Professional Service Providers, Executives, Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, High Performing Employees (and Those Who Aspire To Become High Performers) Who Are Improving Their Lives and Growing Their Careers and Businesses Every Single Day As Members of the Impossible Is Nothing Community.

It’s Time For You to Become Preeminent In Your Field and Double Your Income!