Put the Power of Creative Visualization to Work For You

The hit movie “The Secret” focused on how you can use the Law of Attraction to attract abundance into your life. That movie also caused quite a stir with some people forming the misconstrued belief that all they needed to do to live the life of their dreams was just think positive. It would be great if that was all there was to it, but as we all know it’s not nearly that simple. Creating the life of your dreams takes action – massive action – which includes getting clear about what you want, believing it’s possible, believing you can do it, and putting in some good old fashion work. Along that journey, you can realize incredible benefits by using creative visualization to help you hold the vision of what you want so you can achieve your goals faster and easier.

Perhaps you have heard about professional and other high performing athletes using creative visualization to win more gold medals and world titles than any other single training method. This is how this powerful technique works. Athletes use their minds to experience, sense, feel and visualize themselves running a world record breaking race, shooting a game winning shot, hitting a homerun or engaging in any other world class athletic activity. There is one reason the highest performing athletes on the planet use these mental images to help them prepare for the actual event. It works. That technique is essentially the same as the Law of Attraction, this technique has stood the test of time by repeatedly producing phenomenal results.

The idea of athletes using this technique began in 1984 when Dr. Denis Waitley started using creative visualization as part of his coaching for Olympic athletes. The technique worked so well and produced such incredible results that Dr. Waitley authored a book about it in 1986 – The Psychology of Winning. The book outlines how to form and use visualization as a tool for success. This technique has routinely produced such great results for Olympic athletes that the book has effectively become the gold standard by which even high performing high school level athletes are now trained.

Like all of the other techniques that I teach, effectively utilizing creative visualization requires more than simple daydreaming about what your want to future to hold. To get the full benefit from creative visualization, you have to really put forth the effort to feel the emotions you would feel achieving your goals and get crystal clear about what you want your future to hold. Once you get clear, you will need to spend some time and put in some more effort to form the perfect picture in your mind. These steps are required no matter what your goals are.

Be careful of the “how trap” as you use this technique. If you don’t know how to do everything you need to do to achieve your goals, don’t let that stop you. You can and will figure out the how along the way. The key is knowing what you want and getting very clear about how you want your biggest, brightest and most fulfilling future to come about. I assure you that if you consistently employ this technique by actively imagining yourself achieving the success you desire, this simple exercise will help you make something special happen much faster and easier.

The Law of Attraction does not distinguish between large and small goals, so if it’s easier for you to start using creative visualization with a small goal that’s fine. The key is to actually use creative visualization to help you achieve your goals faster and easier, regardless of whether they are big or small.

To get the most benefit from the exercise, it’s important that you pay attention to the details. The more vivid and detailed the image of the future you desire is that you hold in your mind, the more effective the exercise will be and the more likely you are to make your dreams come true. One way to get clear about the details is to actually visit the objects you desire, or get a photograph of what you want. If it’s a house or car, see the color, carpet, finishes, and other details. Imagine the new car smell or the smell of a freshly built home. Feel the leather seats and the plush carpet. Hear the roar of the engine and the sound of the majestic door bell in your dream home. The more details you can provide the better. Use this exercise and the others I teach and you too can transform your dreams into your reality.